Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Man's Health Supplements: Vital Role in Preventing & Reversing Many Challenges for Good Health

A man's good health is only achieved through a combination of mans health supplements, a healthy lifestyle, and good nutrition. In an age where a mans' health is judged by physical appearance, it's important to realize that it's 'what's on the inside' and what you're consuming that most men should be more concerned about.

Men's health or lack of health starts on the inside and works its way out. For example, here are some external, physical indicators that let you know all is not well on the inside; these include:

o White, gray or silver hair, varicose veins (which can be indicators of copper deficiency and an early warning signal for cardiovascular disease and stroke).

o Dry skin and cravings for fatty food (which can be sign of an essential fatty acid deficiency).

o Hair loss (can be a sign of a mineral deficiency such as tin).

o Age and liver spots (can indicate a selenium deficiency and mean that your body is under attack from 'free radicals' which damage cells - this can increase your risk of cancer and heart disease).

o Noisy, cracking, grinding joints and high blood pressure (can indicate a calcium and mineral deficiency) and are an early warning signal for arthritis and osteoporosis.

And being young and fit doesn't offer any protection unless you change your lifestyle, eat a healthy diet and use health supplements.

The good news is that the majority of a man's health problems can be prevented and in many cases reversed through simple and inexpensive health supplements like vitamins and minerals, and some changes to our lifestyle and diets.

For example, did you know that a compound called 'Lycopene' found in raw tomatoes can dramatically lower your risk of prostate cancer and a number of other cancers? And did you know that simply eating more omega 3 fatty acids (like those in fish oils and good health supplements) can help unclog your arteries and reduce your risk of coronary heart disease by more than 50%? And that essential fatty acids also make your skin look better and healthier? Did you know there are health supplements out there that can prevent and reverse arthritis and osteoporosis as well as managing your pain whilst rebuilding the bone structure?

In terms of general health, most scientists now agree that a multi-vitamin (and mineral) supplement is useful for the prevention of chronic disease. Recently, even the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published an article linking the inadequate intake of vitamins to chronic diseases.

Your aim should be to maximize your nutrient intake, minimize your loss of nutrients and totally reduce your intake of the things that are bad for you.

Here's a summary of the some of the major men's health challenges and which health supplements offer support:

o Prostate - Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in men with over 80% of men over the age of 50 experiencing some form of prostate problem. For general prostate support, look for mans health supplements containing: zinc (also found in pumpkin seeds), essential fatty acids (Omegas 3, 6 & 9), Vitamin A, Vitamin C, amino acids; also unsweetened cranberry juice, selenium and herbs including Saw Palmetto. Recent studies on the nutrient Lycopene, found in tomatoes, show that it may reduce your risk of getting prostate cancer.

o Cancer - use a combination of the all the essential nutrients (minerals, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids) and antioxidants like selenium and vitamin C and E. Tomatoes are rich in Lycopene and offer protection against many types of cancer - especially prostate cancer.

o High Cholesterol - High cholesterol itself does not cause any known diseases but deficiencies of cholesterol can lead to a number of diseases and health problems. To reduce cholesterol, eliminate bad fats from your diet and consume essential fatty acids (good fats). An EFA supplement, rich in Omega 3 oil, is particularly successful at reducing cholesterol. Antioxidant supplements (selenium and Vitamins A and C) and plant derived colloidal minerals are also useful.

o Fatigue - Man's health supplements should include all the essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids - ensuring that you have no nutritional deficiencies will help with fatigue. Health supplements with chromium and vanadium can help regulate low blood sugar which can make you feel tired.

o High Blood Pressure - Supplement with all the essential nutrients including the plant derived colloidal calcium and other minerals, liquid calcium, Coenzyme Q-10, essential fatty acids and lecithin. Herbs such as European Hawthorn also help men's health.

o Heart Disease - take in all of the essential nutrients, paying particular attention to a good source of essential fatty acids (flaxseed oil, and/or fish oil), selenium and Vitamin E.

o Macular degeneration - Supplement with 90 essential nutrients including plant derived colloidal minerals, selenium, Vitamin E. Recent research indicates that the antioxidant Lutein - found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale - also has a role to play in reducing macular degeneration and improving eyesight.

o Weight Loss - Supplements play a key role as your regular dietary habits usually change if you are dieting. You need to take in all 90 essential nutrients to make sure your body is receiving all the nutrition it needs. Supplementing with plant derived colloidal minerals and supplements with extra chromium and vanadium can help control cravings.

Taking digestive enzymes before you eat will help your body absorb more nutrients.

Whey protein in the form of shakes and food nutrition bars with extra vitamins and minerals can be a good way of filling you up without carbohydrates and giving you the nutrition you need.

o Sportsmen - If you train or exercise frequently and you sweat then you need to supplement with a good liquid mineral and multivitamin product to replace everything you're sweating out. If you don't then you're setting yourself up for serious health problems such as heart disease, joint problems, low energy and chronic aches and pains. You have to replace all those vital minerals you are sweating out while exercise. According to the Center for Disease Control, over 100,000 men, women and children die every year (in the US alone) during and immediately after exercise. Almost without doubt because they never replaced all the minerals, trace minerals, electrolytes and vitamins lost through strenuous activity.

o Healthy Bones and Joints - Man's health supplements with calcium and other minerals (plant derived colloidal minerals and liquid calcium are best), vitamins and essential fatty acids (e.g. omega oils) are all important for the prevention and reversal of debilitating arthritis and osteoporosis. In other words, all 90 essential nutrients. Also health supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin and Cetyl Myristoleate, a recently discovered essential fatty acid compound that is scientifically proven to relieve pain & improve mobility - can help relieve your pain, reduce inflammation and assist with rebuild the bone and joint.

o Healthy Hair -Supplementing with zinc, copper and tin from a highly absorbable plant derived colloidal source can help some men with re-growth and return of hair colour.

o Healthy Skin - To maintain your skin in its best condition, use health supplements with vitamin A (as beta carotene), zinc (in colloidal minerals) and essential fatty acids. Taking digestive enzymes before you eat will help you absorb the nutrients your skin and whole body needs.

Lifestyle & Diet

The common sense rules apply - about 20 to 30 minutes of exercise every second day is adequate to keep you healthy and help keep your weight under control. As you grow older, include more weight-bearing exercises and tone down the hard aerobic workouts.

Plenty of fresh vegetables (about 5 servings per day) and fruit (about 2 to 3 servings per day - less than vegetables because of the sugar content of fruit), more protein and less refined carbohydrates (in the form of sugar, cakes, biscuits etc) and avoid fried foods and margarine. At least 8 - 10 glasses of fresh filtered water per day (more if you exercise and live in a hot/humid climate) will keep your liver and kidneys in great condition and help the body eliminate wastes and convert fat into energy.

Copyright http://www.Global-Longevity.com

Paul Newland is a health writer, sports training consultant and martial arts instructor and manages the Global-Longevity.com website. He is the author of numerous health information books and guides, including the Wellness Report, The Ultimate Antioxidant Report, The Selenium Report, The Bird Flu Report, The Ultimate Nutrient Guide and The Essential Fatty Acid Report and The Ultimate Sports Nutrition Guide - available Free (for a limited time) through Global-Longevity.com [http://global-longevity.com/catalog/wellness_report.php]

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Health Insurance A Necessity Of Life

Not everything in life goes smoothly or as we expect it to. That is why it is important that we should always be careful. Insurance of any kind is important to cover up for the uncertainties that may occur in future.

However the insurance that is most important to have is the health insurance as we can afford not to have the other insurances but the absence of health insurance can prove to be fatal not only for us but also for people around us as well.

There are different types of health insurance policies person who wants to get insured can choose the policy suits them the best. The two main types of policies are

1. Free - for - service insurance also known as indemnity insurance this is a traditional type of health insurance that pays the portion of each medical service you get like doctor's visit and hospital stays while you pay the remaining costs. Premiums are higher than the other policies.

2. Managed care plans also known as HMO's (health management organizations) or PPO's (preferred provider organization). In this case the health insurance company has a contract with doctors and hospitals to provide you service. In this type of health insurance you pay monthly premiums and a small amount per visit called co pay. You can use the advice of other doctors as well by paying a higher amount of co pay.

The best way to go in for the health insurance is through a broker. You can choose your broker depending upon your requirements. A broker can get you a good health insurance policy as well as give you information on several key features of the policy in general. Like:

o What is the monthly premium?

o Is the policy guaranteed renewable/non cancelable or just guaranteed renewable?

o Are premium rates based on age of attaining the policy or using the features of policy?

o Does the plan pay for catastrophic medical costs?

You can answers to all the questions and more if you take the help of the brokers in your health insurance policies.

The health insurance organizations offer you different deductibles with larger the deductible the lower the monthly installments. You can choose a deductible of 50% to 80%. It all depends on your conditions.

Individuals with pre existing conditions for example, they have a health problem before going in for health insurance find it difficult to get health insurance coverage. However depending on your state you can choose any of the following policies. They are: open enrollment, health insurance provability and accountability act (HIPAA), high risk pools or temporary coverage.

The borrowers can choose from the myriad of resources that deal in health insurance.

Life is uncertain that's why it is essential that we have insurances with us and every member of our family to live life with a reasonable amount of certainty. Also health insurance has plenty of features which help us in times that we feel a little vulnerable. So it is important that we go for a policy of health insurance.

Roland Gary Jones is associated with Advance Health Quotes.To find Health Insurance,Health Insurance plan,Affordable health insurance visit http://www.advancehealthquotes.com.

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Sound Advice To Lowering Your Health Insurance Premiums

With the high cost of daily living expenses sinking more and more people into a stage of financial distress a smart consumer needs to start looking for ways to save money or at the very least keep their current cash outflow at the lowest possible level. One area many people look at to cut costs is their insurance premiums whether it is auto, life, home or health insurance. A few simple steps can help to lower your total out of pocket costs associated with your current insurance provider. This article will focus on how to keep your health insurance premiums down.

First and foremost you should always make every attempt to stay healthy and in shape. It's inevitable that at some point in time your health insurance provider will institute a rate increase for your health insurance premiums. When this happens, you are under no obligation to keep them as your health insurance provider and are free to switch to another insurance company provided you can pass their requirements to receive health insurance form them. For that reason alone staying healthy is vitally important to your ability to find a cheaper insurance provider with the same or better health coverage amounts then what you currently have being offered.

Sadly, if you happen to be chronically sick or develop a disease you may have no choice but to stay with your current health insurance provider and accept their premium rate hike. In order to truly be able to enjoy reduced or low health insurance rates you must be healthy, in shape and not taking an excessive amount of medications in order to solve any health issues you may currently suffer form.

Fortunately, you have the ability to influence how healthy you want to be in order to retain health insurance at a lowered rate or premium. Many health experts advocate a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Approximately 1/3 of your daily food intake should fall into this category and the resulting health benefits include lowering your risk of obtaining high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and even diabetes. Other medical advice regarding your diet promotes taking vitamins and supplements as well as lowering your consumption of starchy carbohydrates like those found in bread and pasta. Combine this with a good solid exercise program that incorporates weight lifting and a cardiovascular workout and your well on your way to staying healthy and enjoying a lower out of pocket cost for your health insurance.

As we mentioned previously, the key to paying less for your health insurance is to stay as healthy as possible. Here are a few more tips that can help in that endeavor. If you don't smoke cigarettes then don't start and if you do smoke then make every attempt to quit. It's a common fact that cigarette smokers suffer more health problems and actually incur a higher cost for both health and life insurance. If you're diagnosed as being overweight, suffering from high cholesterol or hypertension (high blood pressure) then chances are good that you will have to pay a much higher premium for your health insurance coverage to your provider. In fact, in many cases your insurance premiums could get higher as a result of a family history riddled with chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes or heart disease.

As you can imagine health insurance can be costly if you're suffering from any health related problems. However, if you stay in shape and try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle then chances are good your insurance premiums will reflect your health conscious decisions in the form of a cheaper or lowered insurance premium.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Best-Free-Insurance-Quotes.com. He provides more health insurance advice to include ways to obtain cheaper health insurance rates [http://www.best-free-insurance-quotes.com/health-insurance.html] that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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Taming the Cost of Health Care - How the Health Insurance Industry Fights High Costs

For many families, finding affordable health insurance is a task akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Depending on where in the country you live, a family health insurance plan can cost as much as $800-$1000 per month. Even when you split that cost between employee and employer, that's a major chunk of nearly anyone's monthly budget. And while it's popular to swear under your breath at the greed of the health insurance industry, a look at the cost of medical care is an eye-opening shock for many people. The expenses associated with a broken arm, for instance, can easily mount into several thousands of dollars.

The Health Industry has a stake in keeping people healthy.

The high cost of health insurance is the direct result of the high cost of medical care. It's a simple matter of economics. The more it costs to take care of each subscriber, the more the insurance companies have to charge all their subscribers. This cost/expense ratio is what has made most insurance companies embrace the idea of providing preventive care to their subscribers. It's a simple matter of business sense - healthy people don't cost the insurance companies a lot of money.

Accidents may be the first type of medical need that springs to mind when people consider buying health insurance, the major insurance companies all agree that accidents aren't the major cost drain on medical resources. That place is reserved for chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and high blood pressure. Because of this, it makes good business sense for major players in the insurance industry to encourage their subscribers to adopt preventive health strategies. That pays off in special benefits for health conscious consumers.

Preventive Health Benefits Help Keep Costs Low

Among the benefits that have become commonplace for major health insurance providers are routine physicals, medical screenings for all subscribers, discounts on health club and gym memberships, payment of dues for weight loss groups and lowered subscription fees for non-smokers.

Some health insurance companies and HMO's go even further in their preventive efforts. Because of the high risk of serious injury or fatality for infants in automobile accidents, Fallon Community Health Plan of Massachusetts has for years teamed with local organizations to provide free infant car seats to families with newborns. In the same spirit of prevention, many HMOs offer free stress management and stress reduction workshops to all subscribers because stress has been identified as a leading risk factor in nearly every major illness.

Seeking a Cure

The quest for affordable health care has also prompted health insurers and HMOs to help fun research and health initiatives all over the country. The industry underwrites millions of dollars of medical research annually in an effort to lower the costs of health care. Their dollars fund grants to enroll low income and other hard to insure populations, and to offer eye, dental and health care to inner city and poor rural populations. They estimate that routine preventive eye and dental care, as well as routine medical screenings and physicals can identify illnesses at early stages and prevent conditions and costs from escalating out of reach.

Get the Most from Your Health Insurance

You pay for it - you should certainly get the most possible benefit from your health plan. Here are some suggestions for ways that you can make your insurance plan work for you:

Join a gym.
Check the benefits that your HMO or health insurer offers. Chances are good that one of them is a discount good on membership at a local gym or health club. Get fit - it saves THEM money... but it saves YOUR life.

Lose weight.
Take advantage of nutritional counseling and memberships in weight loss support groups to get down to your ideal weight. Added bonus? Many insurance plans offer a lower tier cost for subscribers who are at healthy weights.

Quit smoking.
Non-smokers are another group that often enjoy lower insurance premiums. Many HMOs and health providers offer free smoking cessation programs to help you get smoke free and healthy.

Attend medical screenings and health fairs.
Many insurance providers sponsor 'wellness fairs' where you can have your blood pressure tested, get free medical screenings and learn about alternative medical techniques like massage therapy, acupuncture and yoga. Take advantage of special events to learn more and get healthy.
It may be popular to demonize the insurance industry, but today more than ever, these companies have a stake in keeping you healthy. Find out what your inusrance company has to offer you by visiting their web site, or calling customer service.

Deb Powers is a freelance writer and researcher who writes frequently about renewable energy and global warming. She has been an environmental activist since the 1970s, and continues to work toward a greener planet by highlighting advances in alternative energy sources, promoting Fair Trade causes and participating in local environmental activism.

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Colorado Health Insurance

Health insurance has become integral to the welfare measures in the state of Colorado. There are several companies that offer attractive deals on the Colorado health insurance products and these packages offer many benefits to their customers. The law protects citizens in ensuring proper distribution of insurance in Colorado. Health insurance policies must ensure that the customer is well informed about the plan, benefits and cost. In fact, the customers can check offers through a comparative chart, and lodge a complaint if necessary.

Colorado citizens can decide which type of health insurance is best suited for them. Since income levels decide the customer's decision, they can join managed health care plans that offer better protection against some diseases. For coverage of existing health problems, the customers can opt for health maintenance organization (HMO) plans where coverage begins immediately. On the other, the preferred provider organization (PPO) and indemnity plans cover pre-existing health problems after a period of six months. Depending on their requirement citizens can migrate from one plan to another.

Colorado health insurance offers health cover to all of its citizens irrespective of their age. The HMO and PPO plans mainly differ in areas of operations. The customers registered under the HMO must visit a primary doctor and later on referral only will he/she needs to visit a specialist. The PPO plan has no such restrictions and participating doctors can be contacted for treatment. The State of Colorado also offers special programs for those who cannot afford health insurance plans on their own. The state reimburses the healthcare provider under the Colorado Indigent Care Program for some of the care they extend to uninsured and underinsured people.

Colorado citizens can decide which type of health insurance is best suited for them. Since income levels decide the customer's decision, they can join managed health care plans that offer better protection against some diseases. For coverage of existing health problems, the customers can opt for health maintenance organization (HMO) plans where coverage begins immediately. On the other, the preferred provider organization (PPO) and indemnity plans cover pre-existing health problems after a period of six months. Depending on their requirement citizens can migrate from one plan to another.

Colorado health insurance offers health cover to all of its citizens irrespective of their age. The HMO and PPO plans mainly differ in areas of operations. The customers registered under the HMO must visit a primary doctor and later on referral only will he/she needs to visit a specialist. The PPO plan has no such restrictions and participating doctors can be contacted for treatment. The State of Colorado also offers special programs for those who cannot afford health insurance plans on their own. The state reimburses the healthcare provider under the Colorado Indigent Care Program for some of the care they extend to uninsured and underinsured people.

Colorado Health Insurance provides detailed information about Colorado health insurance, Colorado group health insurance, Colorado health insurance companies, Colorado health insurance plans, and more. Colorado Health Insurance is the sister site of Affordable Insurance Info.

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The Secrets of Good Health

Many behavioral scientists, researchers and doctors strongly believe that if we really want to be healthy, our body should be viewed holistically as an interacting system with mental, emotional and physical components. To obtain optimum health, there should be a perfect balance of structural, chemical and mental factors in the body—that is often regarded as the “Triad of Health”.

First, we need to understand that our body and mind are interrelated and correlated to form a single system. Events that occur within our mind are bound to affect our body and vice versa. So, when we talk about health we must be aware that health is a very complex and relative term. It is much more than just the physical health. According to The World Health Organization’s (WHO) new proposed definition, health is a dynamic state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity .

Various research findings, clinical studies and personal observations from different health care professionals confirm the complexity and cohesiveness of the human body. Much has already been written on this subject but there is a lot more to be explored, and we are still learning and finding more about how our mental and chemical health affects our physical health.

What Exactly Are “Triad Of Health” and “Balance In The Body”?

When a person falls ill or is not well, there is an imbalance of some or all of these factors. Surprisingly, this imbalance can occur anywhere in the body. Whenever an imbalance occurs it is bound to affect the health of the person, regardless of whether it is a ‘structural imbalance’ involving muscles and bones, ‘chemical imbalance’ involving diet and nutrition or ‘emotional imbalance’ related to stress, emotions or feelings.

In short, we can say that one or more of these factors might cause this imbalance, including poor diet, overwork, stress, hereditary characteristics, or emotional issues.

Therefore, if any physician or health care professional wishes to treat their patients completely, these factors need to be analyzed in detail. There needs to be “Balance In The Body” by focusing on all these three major systems. For more information on the subject, please take a minute and visit: www.balanceinthebody.com [http://www.balanceinthebody.com].

After a combined 50 years of experience treating celebrities, First Ladies and dignitaries, Madison Avenue doctors Todd and Sheldon Sinett have revealed their breakthrough strategies to Health and Wellness.

-From Balance In The Body.com

The Body is a Self-Maintaining and Self-Correcting Organism

No doubt, the body is an amazing self-maintaining and self-correcting organism. This is true as long as we keep it healthy and in balance. Unfortunately, we frequently fail to either recognize this importance or simply lack the necessary information on how to achieve health and balance, naturally. In addition, the Western system of allopathic treatment is based on the germ theory of disease—the idea that disease is caused by something that invades the body and causes it to become sick. This is an “outside in” approach. If this were true then when one member of a family, household or office gets sick then everyone around them would too. Inside this germ theory, Western medicine looks to treat the disease by suppressing the symptoms. Generally, this is achieved through the use of chemicals. These chemicals, while alleviating the symptoms, fail to address what is causing the problem. The Western theory falls well short of reaching anything related to true health. At best it works as a temporary system to suppress symptom and pain. At worst it can contribute to other problems by not addressing the actual source.

Natural strategies that are easy to follow, highly effective and affordable have been successful in restoring, maintaining, and enhancing health. The body has the ability to self heal and self regulate so long as there is no interference and the body is in balance.

Who’s in charge?

The nervous system is the master controller of the body. It’s role is to control and coordinate all body function. Every organ, tissue, muscle and cell is directly under the control of the brain and spinal cord. This system is often overlooked as a possible cause for health problems. In fact this is many times the source of “dis-ease”. Anything that causes stress to the nervous system is bad and anything that relieves that stress is good. The Doctor of Chiropractic is the only health care specialist who focuses their attention on locating and removing nerve interference (also known as “Vertebral Subluxation”). Stress (physical, chemical or emotional) is the primary causes of vertebral subluxation and interference to the nervous system, which ultimately controls the body’s ability to self heal.

Is There Any End To Our Recurring Health Problems?

Believe it or not, there seems to be no end to our health problems until we recognize the importance of “Balance in the Body”. We need to view our body as a temple, where different processes are going on naturally for our betterment—mental, physical as well as chemical well being. We should respect our bodies, and therefore should sustain them and allow it to perform its processes as naturally as we can.

So, “balance” is the keyword here, whether it is a ‘balance in the body’ or ‘balance’ between the Eastern and Western philosophies of treatment. Each treatment style and practice has its own importance and area of operation i.e. when and where to apply them to reap the true benefits. For example, when we become ill, we can look to Western medicine to control and alleviate symptoms with chemicals, but in order to truly heal we need to reclaim that balanced state that is our birthright. Perhaps, no treatment style can work in a complete isolation, so we need to find a middle path.

Therefore, rather than viewing disease as something that attacks the body, the true healing arts see it as a manifestation of imbalances that reduces our resistance against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogenic organisms that can cause uncomfortable symptoms.

Actually, chiropractic care is based on the scientific fact that our nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ, and system of our body. And, our nervous system consists of our brain, spinal cord, and and extremely complex network of nerves. So, instead of just offering our patients a single option for care we have combined the best of several independent specialties to create a more effective way of treating health problems especially the pain.

Unlike other doctors and health care professionals, we treat the body as a whole, viewed as both a series of organs and nerves, as well as a complex communications center for conditions affecting your body. The result has been that we can offer our patients a greater chance of getting out of any type of pain, fight various mental as well as physical problems to stay healthier and happier, forever.

At Midtown Chiropractic Health and Wellness we offer state of the art therapy to our patients including Applied Kinesiology, Chiropractic manipulations, rehabilitation, nutritional analysis, and physical therapy modalities. And, we can treat the following conditions: back pain, neck pain, fatigue—musculo-sketetal injuries and/or problems, general conditions, head aches and most importantly we can also help if you are not functioning at your peak level. We have taken the best that physical medicine has to offer and combined it with physical therapy, exercise, and chiropractic care. For more details, please visit: www.midtownchiro.com.

After a combined 50 years of experience treating celebrities, first ladies and dignitaries, Madison Avenue doctors Todd and Sheldon Sinett at last reveal their breakthrough strategies to Health and Wellness in their new internet newsletter, [http://www.balanceinthebody.com]

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GIRL POWER! Is Good Mental Health

GIRL POWER! is paving the way for girls to build confidence, competence, and pride in themselves, in other words, enhancing girls' mental wellness. Girl Power! is also providing messages and materials to girls about the risks and consequences associated with substance abuse and with potential mental health concerns. For instance, did you know:

Girls are seven times more likely than boys to be depressed and twice as likely to attempt suicide.*

Girls are three times more likely than boys to have a negative body image (often reflected in eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia).*

One in five girls in the U.S. between the ages of 12 and 17 drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.*

Girls who develop positive interpersonal and social skills decrease their risk of substance abuse.*

Girls who have an interest and ability in areas such as academics, the arts, sports, and community activities are more likely to develop confidence and may be less likely to use drugs.*

On the other hand, this also is a time when girls may make decisions to try risky behaviors, including drinking, smoking, and using drugs.*

The Girl Power! Campaign, under the leadership of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is collaborating with the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) to provide this valuable mental health information.

* Girl Power! Hometown Media Kit, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, 1997.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Results from a study of nearly 6,000 people aged 15 to 24 show that among young people with a history of both a mental disorder and an addictive disorder, the mental disorder is usually reported to have occurred first. The onset of mental health problems may occur about 5 to 10 years before the substance abuse disorders.**

This provides a "window of opportunity" for targeted substance abuse prevention interventions and needed mental health services.

** "National Comorbidity Survey," Ronald C. Kessler, Ph.D., et al., American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, June 1996.

What Is Mental Health?

Mental health is how we think, feel, and act in order to face life's situations. It is how we look at ourselves, our lives, and the people we know and care about. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, evaluate our options, and make choices. Everyone has mental health.

A young girl's mental health affects her daily life and future. Schoolwork, relationships, and physical health can be affected by mental health. Like physical health, mental health is important at every stage of life. Caring for and protecting a child's mental health is a major part of helping that child grow to become the best she can be.

Girls' independence is usually encouraged in childhood, and their strengths nurtured. Most girls become emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy young adults. But sometimes, during the transition from childhood to adolescence, extra care is necessary, so that a girl's self-esteem and coping skills are not diminished. For more information on teen mental health, call 1-800-789-2647 and ask for the brochure: "You and Mental Health: What's the Deal?" (Order # CA-0002)

Nurturing Your Child's Mental Health

Parents and other caregivers are responsible for children's physical safety and emotional well-being. Parenting styles vary; there is no one right way to raise a child. Clear and consistent expectations for each child, by all caregivers, are important. Many good books are available in libraries or at bookstores on child development, constructive problem-solving, discipline styles, and other parenting skills. The following suggestions are not meant to be complete.

Do your best to provide a safe home and community for your child, as well as nutritious meals, regular health check-ups, immunizations, and exercise.

Be aware of stages in child development so you don't expect too much or too little from your child.

Encourage your child to express her feelings; respect those feelings. Let your child know that everyone experiences pain, fear, anger, and anxiety.

Try to learn the source of these feelings. Help your child express anger positively, without resorting to violence.

Promote mutual respect and trust. Keep your voice level down--even when you don't agree. Keep communication channels open.

Listen to your child. Use words and examples your child can understand. Encourage questions.

Provide comfort and assurance. Be honest. Focus on the positives. Express your willingness to talk about any subject.

Look at your own problem-solving and coping skills. Do you turn to alcohol or drugs? Are you setting a good example? Seek help if you are overwhelmed by your child's feelings or behaviors or if you are unable to control your own frustration or anger.

Encourage your child's talents and accept limitations.

Set goals based on the child's abilities and interests--not someone else's expectations. Celebrate accomplishments. Don't compare your child's abilities to those of other children; appreciate the uniqueness of your child. Spend time regularly with your child.

Foster your child's independence and self-worth.

Help your child deal with life's ups and downs. Show confidence in your child's ability to handle problems and tackle new experiences.

Discipline constructively, fairly, and consistently. (Discipline is a form of teaching, not physical punishment.) All children and families are different; learn what is effective for your child. Show approval for positive behaviors. Help your child learn from her mistakes.

Love unconditionally. Teach the value of apologies, cooperation, patience, forgiveness, and consideration for others. Do not expect to be perfect; parenting is a difficult job. Many good books are available in libraries or at bookstores on child development, constructive problem-solving, discipline styles, and other parenting skills.

Mental Health Problems Many children experience mental health problems that are real and painful and can be severe.

Mental health problems affect at least one in every five young people, at any given time. At least 1 in 10 children may have a serious emotional disturbance that severely disrupts his or her ability to function.

Tragically an estimated two-thirds of all young people with mental health problems are not getting the help they need. Mental health problems can lead to school failure, alcohol or other drug abuse, family discord, violence, or even suicide.

A variety of signs may point to a possible mental health problem in a child or teenager. If you are concerned about a child or have any questions, seek help immediately. Talk to your doctor, a school counselor, or other mental health professionals who are trained to assess whether your child has a mental health problem. For a list of warning signs, call 1-800-789-2647 and ask for the brochure "Your Child's Mental Health: What Every Family Should Know. (Order # CA-0001)

Available HELP

The National Mental Health Information Center, funded by the Center for Mental Health Services, can provide confidential information; free publications; and referrals to local, State, and national resources.

Call 1-800-789-2647

FAX 240-747-5470

(TDD) 866-889-2647

With Much Love,

Arthur Buchanan


Out of Darkness & Into the Light

43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012

Huron Ohio, 44839

567-219-0994 (cell)


They are calling Arthur Buchanan's methods of recovering from mental illness REVOLUTIONARY! (MEDICAL COLLEGE OF MICHIGAN) 'Arthur Buchanan has given us a revolutionary blue print for recovery in these uncertain times, when Mental Illness at a all time high in the United States of America, yet if you follow this young mans methods, we assure you of positive results and I QUOTE 'If these methods are followed precisely, their is no way you can't see positive results with whatever illness you have' -Dr. Herbert Palos Detroit, Michigan

Listen to Arthur Buchanan on the Mike Litman Show!



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